Reiki Healing Sessions

I am currently able to see clients for Reiki sessions in-person in Longfield or distantly by video link eg Zoom.  I have clients in Russia, USA, Canada and Australia.  These sessions are available for both humans and animals.  Distant sessions are just as effective as in-person treatments and I have found that remote sessions for animals have proved to be sometimes more effective, especially for those who may be nervous or aggressive.  The animal is already completely relaxed in its own environment and responds very quickly to the energy without them needing time to get used to someone new visiting them in person.

Trust Technique consultations are available on-site at the animal's location or remotely by video link.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like further information.


To book a treatment please contact me either by phone on 07813 670765 or by email via the contact form and I will ask you a few details about yourself or your animal and we will arrange an appointment for a mutually convenient time. You can either pay with cash at the time of the session, by bank transfer or with Paypal via the links below.


Please note that Pathways to Healing reserves the right to charge for any treatments that are cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice.

Reiki 60
50.00 GBP

60 minute session

Reiki 90
75.00 GBP

90 minute session (including Singing Bowls/Sabda Tuning Forks)

Animal Reiki
50.00 GBP

60 minute session

Animal Reiki
25.00 GBP

30 minute session

The Trust Technique

To arrange a consultation for your animal or to find out more information please contact me on 07813 670765 or email me using the contact form. The initial session usually takes just over an hour where you learn on a one-to-one basis The Trust Technique; how to hold the Present Moment with your animal, be confident with the timing of Mindful Regard, allow the process of Creative Reaction to take place at your animal's pace and become familiar with releasing/letting go processes they may display.  This one session may be all that is needed for you and your animal. As you then regularly continue to hold the Present Moment for them holding a space of peace, bringing their thinking levels down, you will begin to notice changes in their behaviour as they self-learn looking at situations from a peaceful thinking level.  


Like humans, some animals may need a little bit more help and follow up sessions are available where we look at deepening the process further looking at specific behaviours working with Realisation Learning.  

Trust Technique
85.00 GBP

60 minute consultation in person or distantly via Skype/FaceTime plus a follow up call a week later

Spiritual Mentoring

Whether you have just started your spiritual journey or have been aware of it since childhood and now seem to be experiencing difficulties I am available to listen, guide you, help to remove anything blocking you and to get you back on your path again.  We are spiritual souls living in a physical body and are having a human experience to learn lessons to help us grow, evolve and ultimately raise our vibration to help the planet and the human collective. By looking at hard times we sometimes experience as lessons rather than trials to get through, once we are able to understand the lesson we are able to move forward and ascend as a spirtual being treating others with kindness, compassion, empathy and love rather than living with hate, jealousy, bitterness and fear. Choose to live in love and see those around you change how they relate to you too!

Spiritual Mentoring
50.00 GBP

60 minute consultation in person or distantly via Skype/FaceTime

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